Local sightings
Return to the list of reportsJune 2010
- 2nd
- A Buzzard drifted over Straight Lane late afternoon. Elephant Hawk-moth, Light Brocade and Flame Shoulder were new for the mothing year in the village.
- 3rd
- Mothing was most notable for the 'bugs' that arrived overnight - 780+! A Buzzard drifted south-west late afternoon, both Swift and Linnet being noted overhead at the same time, while a Red Kite circled upwards and south-west early evening. Less mobile were the family Kingfisher, still keeping to The Test about Polhampton.
Right: Dad Kingfisher was out digging today — a very familiar pastime at this time of year!
- 4th
- A Cockchafer was among unexpected visitors to a moth trap, something else however having visited earlier and left a number of wings!
- 5th
- A Little Owl was busy, calling, late evening whereas a Sparrowhawk was present late morning. Trapping added Lime Hawk-moth for the year, Elephant Hawk-moth, Buff-tip, Red Twin-spot Carpet and White Ermine also being drawn to light.
- 6th
- Two Red Kite were seen over the Skate Park, Sapley Lane. These, or another two, being over the village early evening. Clouded Silver, Small Magpie, Iron Prominent and May Highflyer were among moths recorded. The Kingfisher were joined by Great Spotted Woodpecker in feeding well-grown young.
- 7th
- Privet Hawk-moth and Freyer's Pug were the first of the year to be caught. Bullfinch were again heard at Silk Mill Lane. Reed cutting took place on parts of The Test.
- 8th
- Peppered Moth was new for the mothing year, this and others perhaps atracting a Little Owl late evening. In Flashetts the Great Spotted Woodpecker continued to feed the increasingly vocal young, the female being captured below (right).

- 9th
- A Blackcap was singing in the cemetery extension. A Little Owl again being vocal late evening.
- 11th
- In no way could the Flashetts Great Spotted Woodpecker young be misconstrued as being shy!
- 13th
- A Red Kite moved south-west late morning while a Buzzard was about Polhampton Stud early afternoon. A Cinnabar Moth fluttered through Station Hill gardens. Bright-line Brown-eye was the latest moth to be added in local trapping, a Buff Footman also being added as it entered a bathroom. A Little Owl was vocal just after midnight.
- 14th
- Clouded-bordered Brindle was another mothing addition for 2010.
- 15th
- Continued trapping added Large Yellow Underwing for the year.

Just a few of the colour variants to be found in Large Yellow Underwing — Mike Wall http://www.hantsmoths.org.uk
- 16th
- A Red Kite moved south-east early evening when a Buzzard was sat atop a telegraph post in Bell's Meadow. Four Chiffchaff, a Blackcap, two Stock Dove, 32 Gadwall, including seven young, and London Pride were also seen on a joint O.B.S. / R.S.P.B. Evening Walk about the village. Bats were on the wing over Station Hill. Setaceous Hebrew Character was yet another mothing addition, two Privet Hawk-moth however being more exciting to those seeing them.
- 17st
- Up to four bat and two Great Spotted Woodpecker were about Station Hill. The Flame was new for the year while a Pale Tussock of the form concolor was the first to be noted in the village.
- 18st
- Three species of hawk-moth trapped overnight included the first Small Elephant Hawk-moth of the year, Heart and Club also being added. Three Mullein Moth larva were feeding on verbascum in a Station Hill garden.
Right: The striking caterpillar that can wreak havoc on garden mulleins— Mike Wall http://www.hantsmoths.org.uk
- 19st
- An unidentified, and apparently very colourful, bird in a Woodlands garden was all too briefly seen, will it reappear? Both Privet Hawk-moth and Poplar Hawk-moth were attracted to light overnight.
- 20st
- Two Red Kite were lingering early afternoon. Three singing Chiffchaff, two brood of Gadwall, flowering London Pride, a mouse and three Harlequin Ladybird larvae were seen about Southington. Though HART were to move in c. a week they still had the following 'in stock': Blackbird, Robin, Rook, Blue Tit, Great Tit, a gosling Greylag, three Tawny Owl, House Sparrow, Greenfinch, Hedgehog, Rabbit, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove, Feral Pigeon, Jay, Starling and Mallard. House Martin and Privet Hawk-moth were of most note, on the wing, in Woodlands.
- 21st
- Many bumble-bee were being seen, both in numbers and species. Two Privet Hawk-moth and a White Ermine were the mothing highlights.
- 22nd
- Two Privet and three Elephant Hawk-moth were the best of mothing while a Small Tortoiseshell was an unexpected garden visitor, though their numbers do seem to be noticeably up on previous years.
Right: Privet Hawk-moth, one of the most striking of the regularly occurring moths in Parish gardens (Picture David G. Green)
- 23rd
- A Red Kite was seen gliding over Foxdown. The Woodlands mothing set-up went up in a puff of smoke!
- 24th
- A Little Owl was again vocal late evening, when a Light Brown Apple Moth appeared in a conservatory.
- 25th
- Burnished Brass and Carnation Tortrix appeared, even without a mothing light to draw then in. One of the most anticipated summer visitants to the Parish was proving that spring was already far behind us. While others were just proving that summer was still to be looked forward to.

Dad and daughter perhaps?
- While others were just proving that summer was still to be looked forward to.

White-tailed Bumble-bee on an Eryngium sp.
- 26th
- A Little Owl was about Town Meadow early morning.
- 27th
- Just two Straw Foxglove were in flower off Station Road, near Quidhampton Mill. A Red Kite was south-east of Frost Hill mid-afternoon while two Grey Heron moved west over the village late evening when a Little Owl had yet to start calling.
- 28th
- A buck Muntjac, possibly about Town Meadow, was very vocal shortly after midnight. A Scarlet Tiger Moth flew through Woodlands gardens, a Buzzard just that little bit higher. Three Emperor Dragonfly were about the pond at the school.
- 29th
- Both Small Tortoiseshell and Comma were seen in a garden while a Peacock was in Greyhound Lane - the latter however being a bird, rather than a butterfly! A Chiffchaff was still in song off Bridge Street.

Heads or tails?
This being one of the brood recently fledged, so therefore some eight weeks old
- 30th
- A Grey Wagtail was on the move, being heard in flight, mid-evening. The / a Small Tortoiseshell once again visited gardens on Station Hill.
Contributors: James K. Andrews, David G. Green, H.A.R.T., Alison Hutchins, Bryher Hutchins, Jay Hutchins, Peter E. Hutchins, Margaret Rainford, Mike Wall & Alan Willis.
All photographs in this Monthly Wildlife Summary are courtesy of Alan Willis, unless otherwise noted